Saturday, April 17, 2010

Catching up

It's been so long since I last posted. I'm afriad I'm going to forget all of the fun little things that the girls are doing. Let me try to get back up to speed.

Ana is 4 mos old. At her pediatrician appointment she weight a whopping 19.5lbs and is 26 inches tall. In comparison.... Katen is 23lbs. They're wearing the same clothes and the same diapers. The diapers are a little snug on Ana and a little loose on Katen. Ha!

Ana has been busy making discoveries lately. She found her hands and can be found gazing at them, turning them over to see the other side and just totally in awe of them. She also noticed that her feet are down there and uses them to play with the toys hanging above her when she's in the activity gym. Surprisingly, as big as she is, it has't held her back from being early with physical milesones either. She can already roll from back to belly and belly to back. This is much to her frustration when she rolls over at night. It sort of freaks her out. She's also able to "tripod" or sit up and steady herself with her hands. She really enjoys the new view as I remember Katen did as well at that age.

Sleep is coming along. Ana on occasion will give me a couple of 3 or even close to 4 hour stretches of sleep. She still struggles with her acid reflux from about 4am until she wakes though so it's not unheard of to find Mommy sleeping upright with a snuggly Ana during that time. About a month ago she was having a particularly difficult night. Multiple times she'd spit up through her nose and was just very acid-ey, wheezing and choking throughout the night. Finally I decided that nobody was getting sleep anyway and took pity on Ana bringing her into bed to sleep on my chest for a good portion of the night so that at least she could get some rest. As she drifted off to sleep though, she grabbed onto my finger and held it tight as if to say, "thanks mom!" I think I had happy tears in my eyes until I drifted off myself sometime shortly before the sun came up.

Katen has been the best big sister a girl could ask for. She's been an amazing help and loves to make her little sister laugh. Ana thinks Katen hung the moon! She especially enjoys it when Katen jumps up and down in front of her. Doing so, makes Ana let out big loud belly laughs. Katen also is very caring. If Ana is upset and I can't get to her right away, Katen will sing the ABC's or Twinkle Twinkle to her and rub her belly. Usually Ana really enjoys hearing Katen sing to her. It's a pretty neat connection that the girls have.

Katen is growing like a weed. She's gotten taller and all of her pants are way to short now. She hasn't gained much weight though so she's quite the string bean. Funny that we often call her "bean" or "Miss Beans." (Ana is "bear" or "Ana bear") She is maturing very quickly and doesn't look like a baby anymore. She's definitley looking more like a little kid now. She knows all of her ABC's and can name any letter that you point to. She can count to 12 on her own or 20 with some help. She knows several songs and even sings in tune. She's got her colors and shapes down and is starting to understand what sounds each letter makes.

She's having a ball with the warm weather that we've been having and it's hard to get her to come inside. She plays outside on her slide or with simple things like rocks using lots of make believe. I love to sit back and watch the stories that she comes up with. Often she's cooking and offers me a taste. ;) She also likes to pretend that she's driving to the store in her little car. I'll ask her to pick up some eggs or muffins or some odd item. Usually she'll wrinkle her nose and say Noooo, I'll get you some peanutbutter, or she'll suggest something else. Cracks me up!

Today we picked up a little table and a set of chairs for Katen. They were a steal for $15 off of Craigslist. We'll be renting a townhome for a while until either we find a new house or build our dream home. The townhome doesn't have room for our dining room table (or anything much really) and the counter with barstools is too high, so the little table and chairs will be a great place for Katen to eat and color. She set to work hosting a tea party at the table as soon as we set them up at home this evening and really seemed to enjoy having chairs just her size.

It's hard to believe how fast both girls are growing up. If only there was a pause button for them. :)

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