Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Weaves and Wemons

It's become clear that Katen doesn't pronounce her "L" sounds very well. We noticed it first with her passion for collecting fallen "weaves" and most recently as she reads her book about sour "wemons." Her pediatrician says not to worry though.

She's also convinced that all things run on batteries. When her CD player (that plugs in) stopped playing music she told me It doesn't work. It needs Batteries! We need to go Bye, Bye to the store.

Here are a few pictures to show what else we've been up to...

^ Katen at 2 mos (adjusted) and Ana at 2 mos.

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^ Katen has been working on ABC's and 123's. She can count to 11, sometimes higher, and knows a good portion of her alphabet. Our afternoon learning activities have been centered around creating letters. A alligator, B bee, C crab, D duck, and P peacock. (She was obsessed with the word peacock one day so we made him out of order.) I've been sandwiching the letters in contact paper once they're created because you can see what happened to Mr. Peacock and who knows what demise the D duck met. He's MIA.

^ This pretty much sums up our December and January. Record snowfall, lots of ice. Enough said. Let's not dwell on it. ;)

^ our Groundhog Day craft

^ F is for fish! I hope gluestick isn't toxic, because those fish on the F are missing...

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